Monday, July 2, 2012

Think for Yourself and Listen to Those With Whom You Disagree

We received an e-mail trashing President Obama and asking the question, "How can a Christian vote for this man?" I find this kind of rhetoric way past annoying, to say the least. The article was by David Barton, a self-proclaimed historian right wing Republican who, by his reputation, specializes in manipulation, half-truths, things out of context and outright lies.

If I had tried to look up everything in his article, it would have taken way more time than I have. I did look up several things and I hope you will read this post. If you still do not like Obama when you finish, that's fine. What I hope you will do is take time to research what is being said about him for yourself. There's a lot of hate and lies out there. And a lot of it is coming from Christians. That is just plain wrong. So...happy reading.


I read an article posted on e-mail titled “How Can A Christian Vote for This Man?” (the man being Obama). It was authored by David Barton, a self-proclaimed historian.

First, Barton is a radical right winger who has a reputation for shoddiness in his research, for lying and manipulating the facts to suit his own agenda. And he has certainly done that in this article. He is also under fire for his free air time on Alabama's public radio airwaves since he asserts that gays should be in prison and he doesn't care what Congress says. Because some of the NPR employees dared to disagree with him, they were fired. (Their station is Republican controlled.)

My research on Barton's assertions is not complete, because it takes a long time. But I would encourage all of you as thinking Christians rather than led-by-the-nose sheep, to do your own research rather than just taking the word of Barton, me or anyone else. Good luck wading through all the anti-Christ claims and Muslim claims to find anything factual rather than hysterical on the Internet.

Here is what I have found so far in response to a small part of Barton's article:

1 Obama allegedly disparaged Christians by saying they cling to their guns and religion.

In reality, he was talking about some small towns in Pennsylvania and the Midwest that have sunk lower and lower economically over the last 25 years. President after president has said the towns will rejuvenate. They have not. People are without jobs. They are bitter. And Obama said that in their bitterness, they understandably have sometimes clung to their guns, their religion, their anti-those who are not like them, and their attitudes toward immigration as part of this bitterness. The claim was not about Christians at all, nor was it made unkindly.

2 There are two statements in Barton's diatribe about the portion of the law that protects health care workers from going against their consciences in providing abortion or contraception care. He says it is being revoked by the President. That is patently untrue.

The law protecting workers has been on the books for 30 years. In August 2007, President Bush added a new rule called The Provider Refusal Rule that was enacted on January 20 when Obama was inaugurated. It expanded on the present bill and released health care providers from even providing counseling or information to patients. That is what was revoked! As the representative of this revocation said, if health care providers give advice, counsel or information to people, the end result may well be to prevent an abortion!

3 The President supposedly left God out of his Thanksgiving proclamation in 2011. OOPS! Not so. He did mention God and all our blessings (which are commonly accepted as being good things from God) in his speech. Guess who forgot to mention God? Yep. Romney and good old Newt.

Oh, and while we are at it, Obama is criticized for hosting a dinner at the White House celebrating a Muslim holiday—Ramadan. Seems this was started by President Bush who hosted 8 of them!

4 The President is accused of not supporting or hosting an event for the National Day of Prayer. It seems hosting an event was done by President Bush. Before him, his dad hosted one, and Reagan one. Not much of a precedent for hosting an event. The President did, however, proclaim a National Day of Prayer as did those presidents before him. And he spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast in which he exhorted people not only to pray to God, but to listen to God.

And by the way, President Obama has 5 pastors upon whom he calls for prayer sessions via telephone and advice on religion in politics issues. They are: the Rev. Otis Moss Jr. who was once active in civil rights; T. D. Jakes; the Rev. Kibyjon H. Caldwell who was also sometimes an adviser to Bush; and last but not least, the Rev. Joel C. Hunter, pastor of a conservative mega-church in Florida. (Hmm. Where o' where are the Muslims?)

5 The President is accused of ordering that the cross in the background at Georgetown University be covered before his televised address. Yes, the white house staff wanted to use the same backdrop they always use for policy speeches. There were visible, however, 26 IHM symbols throughout and the paintings above Obama's head were religious. No coverings.

6 The President appointed 3 pro-choice ambassadors to the Vatican. One of them was Caroline Kennedy who was informally rejected because she is pro-choice. The other two, one presumably a Democrat and one a Republican Catholic—were informally rejected because they had supported a pro-choice candidate. They now have an ambassador that the Holy See is happy with. Bad Obama!

7 Some land in the Mojave dessert with a WWI Memorial which has a cross on it was recently given by Congress for private use with the condition the memorial be kept. The allegation is that the president insisted the cross be removed. Not true.

“The Obama Administration joining with the VFW upholds the display of the cross now that it is in private hands.” The Los Angeles Times

8 Obama took two years to appoint a religious freedom ambassador. Yes he did. But he appointed a great one; Rev. Suzan Johnson Cook, founder and president of Wisdom Worldwide Center and senior pastor of the Bronx Christian Fellowship Baptist Church in New York City. So far, she has visited 8 countries in her mission and is highly regarded.

9 Supposedly, the president seeks to eliminate the ability of churches and religious organizations to discriminate in hiring pastors (or rabbis in synagogues).

Yet the “Employment Nondiscriminatory Act (ENDA) proposed bill would allow no discrimination in hiring and employment on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identification BY civilian, non-religious employers with at least 15 employees.” This is supported by President Obama. Did you see any bias against churches or synagogues there? Me either.

10 President Obama supposedly refused to allow Roosevelt's “Day of Infamy” speech with its wonderful prayer and the words “so help us God” be included on the WWII Memorial. Guess what? It's there. Guess Mr. Obama was busy and didn't have time to follow through on forbidding it.

11 Last, on the issue of same-sex marriage, at a gathering where he made a speech on May 15, 2012, the president said he believes this to be a state's issue, not a federal issue. HE ALSO SAID, GET THIS NOW: That churches and religious organizations have the right to make their own determination on this issue. He respects those differences. But when it comes to CIVIL law, everyone must be treated equally and fairly! BOOYAH!

I hope this covers enough of the article to make you extremely suspicious of the rest of it. I hope it also encourages you to research for yourself.

Last but not least, I wholeheartedly resent anyone saying, “How can a Christian vote for this man?” And I don't give a hoot whether that man is Obama or Romney. I am a Christian. I am an American. And I will vote for the person I feel is right for the job and I will do that proudly before God. And I totally respect your right and obligation to do the same. And Mr. Barton needs to shut up.

Please take time to read something other than right wing scare tactics. Please take time to pray for your president, rather than denigrate him. He may be president, but he is also a husband, dad, and a person with feelings. He and his family are people whom God loves as much as He loves you or me.



Reflections on Aging and Other Stuff

There are those who think that whoever coined the phrase "Golden Years" should be hauled before a firing squad of seniors. With our bifocals, trifocals, and crooked fingers the perpetrator would probably be pretty safe.

I do think "golden years" is a bit cheesey to say the least. But there are definite advantages to aging. It's not all about pills, pains and wills. Unfortunately, there are those aging folks who seem to think old age is a time to bore the world with their litany of doctor's appointments, surgeries (in gory detail), their many trips to the bathroom (in gory detail). Another thing I have noticed about aging people and have caught myself doing is laughing when nothing is funny. They say something like, "Boy, was the traffic ever heavy on 127," hahaha. I don't get the laughter thing. And when I hear myself doing it, I about have a fit later!

I have also observed that many who are aging (actually, everyone is), become very negative about everything! That makes me crazy. I somehow don't think God will punish us if we actually enjoy something or refuse to worry about everything. As a matter of fact, I think He would be quite pleased to see we were enjoying life and living with a positive outlook. It means we have come to terms with the fact that all things are in His hands. He is in control. And we need not fear.

If you catch me doing the medical boring thing, or laughing when nothing is funny, or being totally negative about life, you have permission to kick me hard and tell me to knock it off!